They were great! The muffins were good (though they disappeared quickly)! There was excellent speech-giving and lots and lots of people, mostly young! The State Library is possibly the most beautiful building I have ever seen (proof here) and they have a great exhibition on at the moment called Mirror of the World.
The Gold Inky went to WHERE THE STREETS HAD A NAME, by Randa Abdel-Fattah, and the Silver Inky went to THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins.
Penny Hueston, Kirsty Wilson and Steph Stepan from Text Publishing.
I also got to meet the lovely Simmone Howell, though I didn't get a photo with her. Also met Gabrielle Wang, Andrew Finegan, George Ivanoff, Bel Moneypenny (editor of Voiceworks), Paula Kelly and lots of other really lovely people (sorry if I forgot to mention you here! There were a few people I spoke to who I realised later I didn't ask their name.) It was great to meet people I've only previously known online (Adele and Simmone and Penni and Lili).So, yay for teenagers reading! And yay for great books for teenagers! And yay for wonderful things like the Inky Awards!