What do you want to know about writing & publishing?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

(That I feasibly know and can tell you, or that I can ask someone else who knows and can't tell you via a guest post on my blog.)

Thanks to everyone who did my survey! What a lot of people asked for more of on the blog was writing advice. And I will deliver!

I'm planning a series of interviews with young writers in the new year, as well as different posts of writerly advice. What I want to ask you is: Is there anything specifically you want to know about writing and publishing?

i.e. how to write a query letter, how to hypnotise publishers into giving you a book deal, what shoes should a writer wear?

Also (if you have a minute), tell me which of these would interest you:
1. Those interviews with young writers I mentioned before
2. Guest posts of advice from published authors
3. Advice from me (you don't want this. You really don't.)
4. YouTube videos of writerly advice, from me (Really. Honest. No).
5. Writing prompts.

One other thing I thought I'd mention was that author Emily Gale put my book on her 5 YA books I can't wait to read in 2010 list! I don't use emoticons, but if I did, I would have a big smiley face here right now. Just imagine the grinning emoticon.
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