A blog residency, Loathing Lola and Butterflies

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

1. I'm resident author blogger for the month of May on Brisbane City Libraries' new blog for teenagers, Ibrary. Head over and check it out! I'll be posting this month about bookish stuff. I promise there'll be cupcakes. But not really. Food is hard to transmit over the internet.

2. Will Kostakis' Loathing Lola is being released as an ebook in four parts. You can get your hands on this serialised goodness immediately, as Part One is available on Amazon right now (and I hear there's going to be an all-new part five released in the near future...). I reviewed it in '09 - a simpler time - and it's ace. Well worth checking out.

3. The lovely Susanne Gervay's novel Butterflies is being released this month in the US (here's my review, also from way back in '09). There's a new trailer for it here. Speaking of book trailers, I quite like them. Have you seen any good ones lately?
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