Melbourne Writers Festival
August 31
I'm on a panel called Emerging Writers with Lisa Dempster, director of Emerging Writers Festival, and Johannes Jakob, editor of Voiceworks. The blurb for the event promises you'll hear from key people in Melbourne's best loved organisations supporting new voices in writing, and from freelancers making their way in publishing. In this session we discuss ideas on finding a community as a writer, routes to getting published and building your profile on your way to success. It'll be fun.
Ballarat Writers Festival
September 3
I'm on a panel called 'Tackling Themes For Teens' which will possibly involve people dressing up in costumes as 'Drugs' or 'Alcohol' and me lunging at them, because writing for young adults is a contact sport. But then again, maybe not.
Chrissie Keighery, Gabrielle Williams and Karen Tayleur are also on that panel with me, and lots of other cool authors will be there. Also, I hear there'll be free tea, coffee and juice all day. Guys! Juice! How can you pass this up?
I have more festival-y goodness coming up, so I'll let you know. Any good panels at Melbourne Writers Festival you think I should see?