I’ve got this theory that everyone is at their peak
when they’re a baby, brand new (I have no evidence to back this theory
up. It really can’t be proved).
You’re full of magic! There is so much genius lurking in
your synapses, ready to fire. You figure everything out so quickly –
proprioception! Whole languages! How to manipulate your parents! You are
entirely fearless during this brief, glittering period of your life,
and everything is possible.
Unfortunately you have to grow up. The trouble with growing up is that
you stop being this pure angelic thing entirely unto yourself, yet to be
impacted by the neuroses of those around you, and start becoming a
creature of our world. Our world is confusing and weird and scary at
times, and you’ve got all these messages being lumped at you from all
sides, and lots of these messages come from fear – the world is
dangerous! Money is exceptionally difficult to acquire! Everyone is out
to get you!
...here's a new article by me on Birdee about fear of failure, and how to deal with it!