Australian Capital Territorians! Canberrans! I'm majorly excited to be visiting your lovely city for the second year of Noted Festival - a celebration of reading, writing and all things literary, with a commitment to emerging and experimental writing from diverse backgrounds. It promises to be awesome, and I'll be taking part in a few events - I would love to see you there!
You can catch me at these (FREE!!!) events:
The Stella Prize in Conversation at Noted Festival
Thursday, March 17, 2016
5:30pm 7:00pm
Main Hall, Gorman Arts Centre
55 Ainslie Avenue Braddon, ACT, 2612 Australia
The Stella Prize is a major literary award celebrating Australian women's writing and championing diversity and cultural change. The prize is named after one of Australia's iconic female authors, Stella Maria Sarah 'Miles' Franklin.
A panel of Stella Prize representatives will talk about the need to maintain recognition of outstanding women's writing. They will also be announcing the first ACT Stella Schools Ambassador.
(I am really excited about the next one because I get to talk about feminism in YA! And pretend to be an expert!)
AMA: Writing for the Future, Feminism's Place in Writing for Young Adults
Saturday, March 19, 2016
12:00pm 12:45pm
Smith's Alternative
76 Alinga Street Canberra, ACT, 2601 Australia
Expert: Steph Bowe
Steph Bowe is a feminist and an accomplished author of young adult fiction. How does she convey feminist messages to young readers? Why is she compelled to do this and how do they react? Get your questions ready! Bring them in person or tweet them to us @NotedFestival using the hashtag #AskNoted.
Ask Me Anything is a series of panels minus the panel. One expert, one moderator, and a bunch of your own burning questions.
You can't really see me at the next event... you can ask (anonymously!) for advice, and I might respond! Or another of the artists! It's pretty cool.
Artist Triage
Sunday, March 20, 2016
10:00am 3:00pm
Gorman Arts Centre
55 Ainslie Avenue Braddon, ACT, 2612 Australia
Artists: Elizabeth Tien An Flux, Steph Bowe, Sian Campbell, Lex Hirst, Neha Kale, Karen Andrews, Bri Lee, Ben Walter, Elizabeth Caplice, Jonno Revanche, Madeleine Laing, Craig Garrett
Got writer's block? Can't figure out where to pitch that personal essay about the day your first goldfish died? Need help naming a character? Take a seat at our Emergency Super Computer at the Independent Publishing Fair for an anonymous one-on-one consultation: our festival artists are waiting in cyberspace to solve your problem via a live, open chat.
There are so many awesome events on, and I'm incredibly excited to see as much as humanly possible! Check out the full program on their website.