Stuff I have to share, like cakes with my book on them

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This birthday cake belongs to Sam Whitehouse - an amazingly lovely aspiring author - made by her nan, incorporating her favourite books... one of which is mine! It looks very yummy (it's marbled and pink). I met Sam at the 2010 Melbourne Writers Festival and have chatted to her online since, and it's pretty special for somebody I otherwise wouldn't know to have my book cover as part of their awesome 18th birthday cake, they enjoyed my book that much. Happy Birthday, Sam!

File this under cool and unexpected things that happen when you are an author. Seriously, this is adorable. More people should make cakes with my book on them! (Feel free to include lobsters and garden gnomes.) And send me pictures. And cake. (Valentine's Day is coming up, folks. A cake in the image of my book would be a wonderful gift. Well, it would be for me. Cake = love.)

I turned eighteen this week, too, and I'll write another post on adulthood soon, once I have my thoughts on the subject worked out. Eighteen-year-olds seemed very old and self-assured when I was younger, much more than I feel now. Perhaps cake is the answer. (Of course cake is the answer!)
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