Just a quick bit of narcissism

Sunday, October 13, 2013

1. I had the pleasure of having my photo taken by the very talented Catherine Lowe, of The Grad Lab, a couple of months back. There's an interview with me, and the rest of the photos, up on her blog.
2. You may be interested in reading my love letter to dumb phones on Birdee. Or you might not! I don't presume to know your interests. You read whatever you want to read!
3. Here's a photo from the signing table at Brisbane Writers Fest (photo via Novel Writing Retreats Australia, which I'm attached to a retreat with in 2014 - there's an interview with me here)! I'm sharing this with you because a) to my left there is Dr Karl, whose awesome science-y books I loved as a kid (I very successfully did not faint), and who had a much longer signing line than I; and b) to my right is the very wonderful Melissa Keil who is fabulous (and who I was on a panel with! Plus also Justine Larbalestier!) and I think we totally look like we could be sisters. Right?
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